Pre-Planning Your Final Services? Things To Include

Pre-Planning Your Final Services? Things To Include

26 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you have decided to save your loved ones the burden and challenge of planning your funeral, it's important that you consider all of the elements as you build the plan yourself. There are certain things that you will probably want to gather and provide to your funeral home of choice so that your loved ones don't have to try to make those decisions for you in their grief. Here's a look at some of what you should compile for the funeral home as part of your pre-planning efforts.

Choose The Representative Photo

If you think about who will be planning your memorial, would that person choose the same photo that you would choose to represent you? If not, or if you don't want to leave it to chance, select the photo that you want to be used for your obituary, service notice, and memorial. Include it with the rest of your pre-planning information so that you don't have to worry about whether or not someone would choose a picture that you like, nor will your loved ones have to worry about whether or not you'd be happy with the picture that they chose.

Write Your Obituary

Have you ever read an obituary in the paper and thought that it could have been better? If you're not sure that your loved ones would have the presence of mind in their grief to create an obituary that truly represents you, don't leave it up to them. Write your own obituary and memorial message so that you can be sure that the things that matter to you are included. After all, you won't get another opportunity to create such a lasting message, so write your own obituary while you can.

Outline Your Service Preferences And Final Wishes

Detailing your service preferences and final wishes can take time, but it is time well spent for the peace of mind that your final services will be exactly what you want them to be. Include details such as whether you want an open or closed casket or cremation instead. If you have a burial plot already, list the information for the cemetery and the plot. If you want a graveside service, include that information as well. List any songs, readings, or other details that are important to you as part of your service, too.

These are all important details to provide to the funeral home if you want to save your family from having to make difficult decisions in the wake of your death.

About Me
New Frontiers In Funeral Planning

The business of running a funeral home can be a somber affair, but that doesn't mean that the funeral industry is static and unchanging. Americans' attitudes towards honoring their loved ones after their passing are evolving, just as they always have. Running a successful funeral home requires a keen eye for these trends so that you can continue to meet the demands of your clients in some of their darkest hours. While traditional funerals will always have a place in American society, our goal is to help you understand why some mourners may be choosing alternative services. We'll provide the practical information that you need to stay on top of changing trends so that your funeral business can continue to thrive through the 21st century.
