Material Choices for Custom Headstones: What to Consider?

22 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to commemorating the life of a loved one, a custom headstone is a lasting and meaningful tribute. Beyond the design and inscription, selecting the right material for the headstone is an important decision. The material choice will not only impact the appearance of the monument but also its durability and maintenance requirements. In this article, we will explore some key factors to consider when choosing a material for custom headstones. Read More …

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New Frontiers In Funeral Planning

The business of running a funeral home can be a somber affair, but that doesn't mean that the funeral industry is static and unchanging. Americans' attitudes towards honoring their loved ones after their passing are evolving, just as they always have. Running a successful funeral home requires a keen eye for these trends so that you can continue to meet the demands of your clients in some of their darkest hours. While traditional funerals will always have a place in American society, our goal is to help you understand why some mourners may be choosing alternative services. We'll provide the practical information that you need to stay on top of changing trends so that your funeral business can continue to thrive through the 21st century.
